Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Redwoods... Beach?

The experience I most distinctly remembered was the waves!  Wait, waves in the Redwoods?  
Well, sort of.

Right before our wondrous hike, we stopped at an information center.  (Which happened to have the children's book that I learned most of my Redwood facts from!  And one of those cool water bottle filler uppers that Mom got really excited about.)  

A ways behind the center was the perfect spot to watch the splendor and power of California waves.  There was a sandy crest that had been carved out by the crashing waters, a crest that said, "Come and stand just a little higher than these monstrous beauties, but don't come any closer!  This is a place for you to watch and gape.  Not where a single human hand could dream of paddling or conquering these waves." 

We also learned about sneaker waves.  The waves were a bit far from us, but once, the waters sped together and crashed right on our bluff, right in front of us!  That, my friends, is a sneaker wave.  A lady had walked down to the water a bit and I thought, "Ah!!  That lady is going to get knocked down by the waves!  Lady!  Go back up!"  We all watched her, wondering if a sneaker was coming any time soon.  Luckily, she got out with just wet pant legs. If a sneaker had come, she totally would have had the craziest swim in her life.

I loved the tiny tough beach flowers growing out of the sand.  Amazing hardy little things.

I loved the "Redwood waves", and hugging on the beach, watching the waves with that giggly awe, screaming and jumping when that sneaker wave decided to say "Boo!" and figuring out that when we crouched down the roaring waves went quiet.  (That was probably fun for the other people on the beach, watching this family bob up and down.)  :)

Amazing how such different nature is all so close!  Woods, and waves.  I'd never seen waves like that, but little did I know how often I would be seeing them.  ;)  I've never seen trees quite so large either...
    Thank you LORD for showing us a tiny one millionth of an inch sliver of your AWEsomeness.


                                     Beach photos courtesy of Mom.

                                        And, a sunflower photo.   Because why not.

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